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Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms

Section: New Results

Memoryless Determinacy of Finite Parity Games: Another Simple Proof

Published in [24].

Memoryless determinacy of (infinite) parity games is an important result with numerous applications. It was first independently established by Emerson and Jutla [1] and Mostowski [2] but their proofs involve elaborate developments. The elegant and simpler proof of Zielonka [3] still requires a nested induction on the finite number of priorities and on ordinals for sets of vertices. There are other proofs for finite games like the one of Bjørklund, Sandberg and Vorobyovin [4] that relies on relating infinite and finite duration games. We present here another simple proof that finite parity games are determined with memoryless strategies using induction on the number of relevant states. The closest proof that relies on induction over non absorbing states is the one of Graedel [5]. However instead of focusing on a single appropriate vertex for induction as we do here, he considers two reduced games per vertex, for all the vertices of the game. The idea of reasoning about a single state has been inspired to me by the analysis of finite stochastic priority games by Karelovic and Zielonka [6].